Friday, April 11, 2008

My new blond hair

Hey all, how are things? Hope all is well. No, I didn't dye my hair but I found out yesterday for the first time in over a year here that for everyone here my hair is blond. I was really surprised when someone mentioned something about blond hair and I did a double take and had to ask again if they were talking about me. I think its kinda crazy that people here think my hair is blond. Its kinda funny because that actually explains a lot of cultural things to me. After they told me that I then proceeded to point to the door of the house I was in and ask what color it was, it was brown and then I put my hair next to it and asked if it was the same color to which of course they responded yes. It was the funniest thing because in such a long time here I never knew that. I have since asked about 20 people what color hair I have and have a 100 percent response of blond. Just thought that was interesting. Anyways to a ministry update, I have continued to get to know more students and keep the Bible study going. I would say in the time I have had the study there have been about 20 different students that have attended. I would ask especially for prayer for a guy named Andrés, just that God would continue to work on his heart and also for a guy named Victor. Victor is an awesome guy and the most atypical of Christians in Mexico. He used to be into the occult and still has some drinking issues and has a pregnant girlfriend, but we have had some awesome conversations about God and he really seems to be starting to understand what it is to follow Jesus. I am both sad and ready to leave Puebla in about 4 weeks. I love all the people I have met here and the experiences I have had, but at the same time feel ready to move on and do something different. I could definitely see myself coming back to live here at some time in the future if it could work out. Over the past few weeks I have also been having a Bible study of the book of Mark (thanks IV Chapter camp) with some of the youth from my church and I think it is going well. I am just really trying to make Jesus be alive to them again as I think a lot of them have sorta settled into the mediocrity of religiosity. I would ask that you continue to keep Jaime in your prayers, I haven't heard anything from him and don't think I will again, but just pray that God would be with him wherever he goes and that he would have a roof over his head and food on his plate and just feel the presence of God. Also, that he might be able to be reconciled one day with his family in the north of Mexico. I love you all and miss you, but am glad for the opportunity to be a humble servant of God here in México. I want to put up some pictures, but my internet is being slow and not letting me so I'll have to wait until a little later. Oh and a last thing if the movie Under the Same Moon (La Misma Luna) comes out in the US I would highly recommend seeing it, its a story of a immigrant journey in the US and just a heart wrenching and well done film. Much love and God bless.

Go Caps and way to win the big one Puebla.

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