hey all, hope all is well. I can't believe how much time flies. This week has been full of goodbyes and endings. It is really sad for me to be honest and I feel about like I did graduating from college and leaving so many good friends and family to come to México. I have learned to love Puebla, I love the people and have so many good friends from being here for such a short amount of time. I went back to Mexico City on Tuesday and realized how much pollution and people there were and wanted to go back to Puebla. I would ask for prayer as I make that transition back to Mexico City God would give me peace about leaving friends and going back to the ever crowded and polluted Mexico City. I would also ask for continued prayers on the Brasil front. This past weekend I had the chance to go to Acapulco again with some people from my church, on Monday I went to the 5 de Mayo parade (not independence day, and not really a big holiday in México, only here in Puebla is it really celebrated, it commemorates a battle won by the Mexican army over the French army). Today was my last day teaching English and then I had dinner with my family from Puebla. I lived with them in November and December and they are such amazing people that have been such a blessing to me. We went out to a Brasilian restaurant similar to Fogo de Chao that they have in Baltimore and DC (but a lot less expensive). It was really cool, tomorrow I have my last Bible study and my last time at the university, as well as my last class teaching some of the people at Campus Crusade, Friday I will pack my things and have lunch with Robson and dinner with some of the other Crusade people and then over the weekend say goodbye to my soccer team, youth group and church. I pray for the right words to leave them all with and for strength to say my goodbyes well. I feel like my life has been just a lot of change for the last two years which can be tough at times. I would ask for prayer again for that. Yesterday at my last English Bible study with my church youth group they had a surprise farewell party for me which was really touching. Each one said something special to me and they gave me a Puebla soccer jersey which was really cool. I truly love them so much and they are such good friends. I feel like I have so many friends and family here for only being here a short time and that they are people that will truly be lifelong friends. Thanks for your continued prayers and support. I would again ask for much prayer in the coming weeks as I make so many transitions saying goodbye to great friends, meeting new ones and getting reacquainted with old ones. I have a bunch of pictures from Acapulco, the 5 de Mayo parade and various goodbyes that you can see at:
most of the people from my youth group at my surprise party

my family from Puebla

at Hard Rock Cafe in Acapulco with some good friends

at Acapulco with my sweet henna tattoo that says Hecho en México (Made in Mexico)

lastly a video of them giving me my cake for leaving, there is a tradition here in México that you will see in the video
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