Thursday, July 3, 2008

John McCain visit

So I don't have a lot of time right now, but today I went with one of the other summer leaders, Kevin to the Basilica of Guadalupe to try to see John McCain who was visiting and we managed to see him. It was really cool because outside of the press and normal basilica goers there was pretty much no one there. We just followed him around with the press, took a bunch of pictures. When he showed up I was shocked to see Lieberman with him and Jeb Bush too. There were a ton of secret service and scary looking dudes with automatic weapons. When he went up on top of the chapel for a photo op I said to my friend that I wanted to say something, but I couldn't think of anything good. Finally on a spur of the moment inspiration I yelled up "Lieberman for vice president". Lieberman looked down at me, gave me a salute and a big thumbs up. It was kinda cool, then as they were leaving I wished them a Happy 4th of July and McCain looked at me and waved. I followed that up with a good luck and another plea for Lieberman for VP. The two of them looked at each other, exchanged a few words and then both waved at me and gave me a thumbs up. It was a pretty impressive spectacle. I mean I do not particularly support him, but I have to admit seeing someone so powerful with that much security, entourage and precision was impressive. It was cool talking to some of the press both from the US and Mexico (not officially, just chatting) and was an odd experience to be able to be that close to a presidential candidate with almost no one around. I will give a better more pertinent update soon, but I just thought that was a cool story. You can check out more pics of John McCain here:
and some other pics from various things here:

Notice Lieberman, McCain and even Jeb Bush

not a stellar picture for the Republicans, but I went to Trotsky's house here in Mexico where he was killed which was sweet
a funny picture at the Basilica, I always saw these places that offer pictures and finally decided to get one taken with my co-leader for the summer, Stephanie

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