Thursday, August 7, 2008

Great end to the summer

hey all, hope all is well. The summer ended well, but very busy. I went on a youth retreat with one of the churches I was working with during the summer and gave a talk at their missions themed retreat. It was really fun, although wet as we were camping and it rained really hard and even hailed a bit. I can't believe how fast the summer went by. I was really proud of our team. I felt like they really learned so much during the summer about God, México, missions and life and was just really proud of them. On other news front I talked to the people in Brasil and it seems to be coming together and I got my visa yesterday from the embassy and also picked up my brother at the airport and we spent the day today together. We went to a bunch of different places in Mexico City and then finally went up to La Presa, my first home in México and had lunch with them. It was really cool to see Pete get to meet them and get to know some of my favorite people in México. Much love to everyone. I will be here in Mex with my bro till Monday, then we are off to Guatemala for a week before returning to the US on the 18th. I"m looking forward to seeing all of you.

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