Thursday, May 28, 2009

Things I'm thankful for...

Today was a pretty good day, but tonight I had two amazing conversations that made me realize how many things I'm thankful for.

I'm thankful for:
-unconditional love and support from my parents and family
-the amazing experiences I have been able to have in my life, getting to be a part of so many people's life in so many different places
-a nice new camera that I got today courtesy of my parents credit card rewards (finally can put some more pictures online, thanks mom and dad)
-the fact that I am learning that people and relationships are way more important than money, jobs and sports, that I will be happy because of who is in my life and not what I do
-learning that being a supportive and encouraging support for my Mexican mamá is way more important that listening to the end of an NBA playoff game on internet radio (well done Cavs)
-pain that reminds me that this world isn't my own
-financial difficulties that remind me that God and people are way more important than money
-a good Doctor that is helping me fight with my insurance and will eventually perform my back surgery
-my extensive family throughout Latin America, my many brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, houses that I have (see Mark 10)
-the fact that with or without insurance I have the support system to have the surgery I need
-an awesome girlfriend, that we can talk about so many things and learn and challenge each other, even from a long ways away
-internet that lets me keep in touch with my doctor, insurance, family and girlfriend, what a blessing to have internet in my house and not have to visit an internet cafe
-the fact that I am slowly learning to trust God
-that I can truly say I go to bed tonight with peace, even though so few things in my life are certain and there is so much instability I am learning that my only real stability is in God
-the fact that I have the luxury of having a dilemma over what to do with my life, what a luxury that so few people in the history of the world have ever had
-mentors and leaders, for Pastor John in Brasil, for David Befus in Colombia, for Paul Johnson in Mexico, for so many people that have invested so much in my life and continue to be an inspiration to me
-amazing friends in the US, in Mexico, Colombia and Brasil too
-the fact that I don't need to fear anything if I fear God, that hope and faith in God sets me free to live and take risks and know that God has my back

I am so thankful for all of you and your continued prayers. I continue my fight with my insurance and am hoping to have surgery next week, but who knows. Love you all!

1 comment:

Pedro said...

good reminders bro, love you