Hey guys, hope all is well. Sorry I haven't written in a while, but I've been keeping pretty busy. I went to Acapulco last weekend with some of the people from my youth group. One of the girls has an apartment there and so we went up on saturday morning and got back on tuesday evening and had a really great time. I'll post some pics and also put a link up to see some more. It was cool though to get to know some of them more and to build confianza (trust) with them. We had some great conversations and I came back with a nice tan. This week I have continued with my classes and with meeting people and might even add more classes. I started teaching a group of mexican missionaries that work for campus crusade twice a week. A lot of people at the Crusade Mexico national office (in puebla) speak english, but I work with a group of 5 of them and help them learn english and am trying to kinda build a bridge to them to join the mexican and us cultures because I feel like sometimes in the office that the US culture reigns. I tend to work more with the mexican side of the office. Anyways, in other news this week a team came down from Sykesville, MD (my home town for those of you who don't know) and I spent thursday helping as a translator mainly for a doctor who came with them. The team included a friend from a church I grew up in, a good friend from high school who was an atheist back then and whom I hadn't talked to in almost 5 years (we had actually had dozens of conversations about God, religion, and science in HS, so it was cool to see him on a missions trip in Puebla), the host parent of my good brasilian exchange student friend from high school who I had lost touch with and now can get back in contact with, as well as the fact that the doctor's wife went to my high school too, it was neat to see all the connections and to be able to help them out a bit. On friday I went with the doctor, Tom, to a park in the center of Puebla just to pray and maybe talk to some people. We only had like an hour and a half because I had to get to my english classes, so we prayed for a bit and then decided to go talk to some people. The first person I started talking to was named Jaime, he told me his story about how he lost his job, was divorced from his wife and separated from his whole family who lives in Monterrey. He said that he is homeless and spends his nights in the streets and sometimes goes to look for work when he has energy. He just needs 800 pesos ($80) he said to get back to Monterrey and try to reunite with his family. We talked for over an hour about God and life sometimes Tom talked and I translated, other times just I talked. It was heartbreaking to hear of his struggles and longing for God. He told of his search for God, with Jehovahs witnesses, mormons and other groups, he said he wants to believe, that he admires those who believe, but with all his problems he has a hard time. We prayed with him and he wanted to know where my church was and I gave him the address to my church and he said he would come on Sunday, if not, I told him I'd meet him in that same park Monday morning, please pray for Jaime, pray for wisdom as to how I can help him and pray for his battered soul and broken heart, that God might come in and give him peace. That is all for know, much love and God bless.
pictures from my house
pictures from Acapulco

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