Monday, June 23, 2008

Ayer te vi...Fue más claro que la Luna

Yesterday I saw you...more clearly than the moon, I saw you in a street child without a place to sleep, I saw you in his extended hands begging for bread to live, I saw you in his beseeching eyes, and in his hesitant smile, yesterday I saw you.... This is my translation of one of my favorite songs by Jesús Adrian Romero who I would say is by far the best Christian singer in the spanish language and just an amazing lyricist and singer. He is from the north of Mexico and sold out 4 concerts in the Auditorio Nacional here in Mexico City with a capacity of 20,000 or so. Originally he only scheduled one concert and eventually kept expanding by one until he had 4. I went on Friday with some friends to the concert and it was a pretty amazing experience and just really challenging, both from his songs and his talking between the songs. There is something amazing about the power of poetry and music to move the heart.
Things continue to go well here, I still don't have fast enough internet to successfully post any pictures, but am picking up a random signal in my room right now. Things are going well with the team. We continue visiting churches and checking up on the summer team. Its been fun to get to know new pastors and families and have various opportunities to share at churches. This past Sunday I gave a message for a youth group at the church where we have our spanish classes and team meetings. It is a presbyterian church, which here is i would say an ultra conservative church (which makes the church I go to in Maryland look like a liberal charismatic one). I gave a message on going beyond religiosity and beliefs and moving to a relationship and actions. I tied the message into my testimony and I pray that it might help some of the youth there to be challenged and continuing growing in their faith. My partner and I finished rewriting a clown show that we will be presenting at a few churches and VBS's and we continue teaching and discipling the summer team. Its hard to believe the summer is almost over, even as I write this its hard not to put in a few spanish words here and there and it is just hard for me to think about not speaking it.
I continue to be in conversation with a missionary in Brasil and it is looking more and more likely that that will work out, but I will give more updates as I get them. Much love and thanks for all the prayers.

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