Hey all, sorry it been such a long time since I’ve written, but I’ve been very busy and don’t have reliable internet access where I live. Things have been going well as the team seems to be acclimating well to the new language and culture. I kinda feel like when I was a kindergarten helper in 5th grade and helped the kindergartners to their classrooms. It’s just to see the progress I have made with both my understanding of both language and culture. I would ask for prayers just for opportunities to meet random people in random places and just have good conversations, divine appointments some people call them. I am still feeling kinda sad to not be with my friends in Puebla, but I am starting to make new connections here. Its cool to get to know new churches and work with new ministries. Today we (the other leaders) performed 5 different skits that we will teach our teams to either do themselves or to teach their teams to do. We didn’t manage to video tape them, but I’m hoping to do them again so we can video tape them. I would ask for continued prayers about future direction and also for each of the 13 members of our summer team as they adjust and begin to settle into their ministries; that my partner and I as well as the other leaders could be effective and just be a blessing for both our American Spearheaders and for the Mexican church. Much love and God bless!
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