Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer Team arrival

Sorry I haven't written in a while, just a quick update before I go to bed. We have continued to visit families, churches and pastors and prepare skits, clown shows, mimes, puppet shows and then like to prepare ourselves for the summer team arrival tomorrow. I will be going to pick them all up at the airport and so will spend most of tomorrow driving back and forth to the airport, please pray for safety in travel and that I don't get lost or anything fun like that. I have really been enjoying some time to catch up on my reading and writing with a bit of down time in the past few days as we wait for the team to come. I feel continually challenged by Jesus' strong commandments and am learning how to follow and live up to them. Please continue to keep my future plans (next year) in your prayers as I continue to ponder a move to Brasil. Thanks for all your love and support.

1 comment:

Dana said...
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